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A PwC Business, Diversity & Inclusion study revealed only 15% of CEOs stated they are leveraging D&I to achieve business results. 


DEI is an acronym for Diversity, Equity & Inclusion.  It is the rallying cry for creating a safe, fair, and engaging company culture by celebrating the differences we all have. In doing so, companies develop stronger diverse teams leading to higher innovation and increased productivity. DEI is NOT simply an HR function, nor is it about just putting people of color in an ad campaign.  It cannot be measured just by the number of minorities you hire. That’s where Equity and Inclusion come into play.  DEI as a whole must become a way of life throughout your organization.

DIVERSITY encompasses the individual differences, uniqueness, and experiences that make us who we are. Diversity specifically refers to a multicultural environment in which there are employees of different races, colors, creeds, national origins, ethnicities, personalities, religions, gender, disability status, family backgrounds, education, life experiences, beliefs and orientations.

EQUITY means eliminating barriers that may have prevented the full participation of all your employees or groups.  It is about providing everyone with what they need to succeed despite their diverse individual differences.  

INCLUSION means creating a culture that ensures everyone feels seen and valued by allowing employees and customers to be their authentic selves and feel comfortable doing so. It is about creating an environment in which employees believe their thoughts and ideas are valued, that management listens to and appreciates their input, and in which they’re allowed to speak their minds without fear of reprisals. And, it is about creating an environment in which employees believe they have a fair and equal opportunity for growth and advancement 

DIVERSITY IS JUST THE START.  In today's world, it's no longer enough to hire a diverse workforce.  Now it's about creating an environment of equity and inclusion, and then aligning DEI with your business and brand strategy -- which can mean substantial improvements to your bottom line.


Are you up-to-date on what your managers need to know about DEI? Want to learn more? We can help. Call 1-800-834-4946 for a free consultation, or click here.

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